Today's post is a personal share on choosing one random summer day to create a more thoughtful date night for my fiance and I a few months before getting married. One of our favorite activities together is going on sunset motorcycle rides and taking unexplored backroads. I sent a text message one weekday afternoon while he was working that said, "when you get home I have a surprise date planned, it involves our helmets and a cruise!". The surprise was going back to the spot where he asked me to be his girlfriend and read a letter that was "me re-introducing myself to him". We have been together a significant time and there was a small inner voice that month encouraging me to do something a little different than our usual date nights. I remember reading a poem long ago that talked about the ways in which we change overtime and seldom do people acknowledge this new change because of staying stuck on previous interactions with the younger versions of you. This made me think about mine and my fiance's life journeys apart and together that led us to the point of naming we were ready to get married. While I thought about all the twists and turns in our shared experiences over eight years, I knew in my heart it would be cool to open up the opportunity for us to acknowledge who we are now in our relationship.
After arriving at the spot where it all began, I could see the curiosity on my fiance's face as we walked to the rock where he originally asked me out. When we sat down to start watching the sunset, I pulled out my letter and read it. We both had tears in our eyes and he was definitely taken by surprise. He then proceeded to validate the ways in which I have grown and shared specific ways he knows he has changed too. This moment together was beyond special and showed me how little we vocalize the growth we see in one another. We both named we have felt shifts in our relationship overtime that were very significant, yet, did not always think to highlight how those shifts felt when they were happening. Therefore, this day was extra special because we got to emphasis how it feels to be seen in the ways which we have evolved. The conversation also reminded us of why we continue to choose each other after all these years and still find little things we love about who the other is becoming. The conversations at the rock then became a ripple effect for other ways we both are continuing to validate each other and encourage one another's capabilities, especially on the harder days.
